Troubleshooting Copper Cyanide


Troubleshooting Cyanide Copper Plating Solutions

1. Poor Adhesion or Peeling of Copper Plating

1.1 High Free Cyanide Levels

1.2 Low Free Cyanide Levels

2. Rough or Dull Red Plating

2.1 Excessive Current

2.2 Overloaded Plating Tank

2.3 Organic Contamination

3. Non-Smooth or Rough Plating

3.1 Suspended Dirt and Debris

3.2 Low Cyanide Levels

4. Cloudy Plating Solution

4.1 Lack of Free Cyanide

5. Crystals on Anodes or Cathodes

5.1 Excess Carbonate Formation

6. Poor Adhesion and Excessive Gas Bubbling on Workpieces

6.1 Low Copper or High Free Cyanide Levels

7. Shiny or Crystalline Deposits on Anodes or Cathodes

7.1 High Free Cyanide Levels

8. Black Deposits on Anodes or Cathodes

8.1 Polarization and Lead Contamination

9. No Plating Adhesion

9.1 Incorrect Current

9.2 Chromium Contamination

9.3 Excess Free Cyanide Levels

9.4 Dirty Workpieces